Wednesday, July 27, 2016

What I didn't Know

Parenting is hard. But I knew that already. From the time you're expecting you hear that parenting is hard but so rewarding. People will tell you all kinds of crazy stories about parenting, pregnancy and kids. But what do they not tell you? Here is what I didn't know...not everyone likes kids.

Yesterday I had an experience I hope no mother ever has to go through. My mom and I took the kids to Panera for lunch. There was a bit of a line but the kids were behaving and waiting patiently. When it was our turn to order, we stepped up and gave the cashier our order. While this was happening, Mason was standing at my side and walked off just a bit. He accidentally bumped into the lady standing next to us in line. She immediately huffed and puffed. I quickly noticed and said "I'm so sorry, it was an accident". The lady said, "he hit me!" I said "ma'am he is 3 years old, he just didn't see you there". Then she said "well he is rude". She said "he is rude" a few more times in front of him while I tried to defend him. Three year olds don't even know what rude means.

Y'all let me tell you, my blood was starting to BOIL. I was so taken back that someone would say my child #1 hit them (which was completely untrue) and #2 he was rude, momma bear was coming out. I think I was so shocked that someone would say that, I just didn't even know how to react. I ended up saying a few not so nice words to this lady, which now I regret. I let this lady's bad day consume my whole lunch. It literally took me 30 minutes to calm down. You never know how protective you can be until you have kids.

I'm sure this will not be my last run in with someone who doesn't like kids. It sure was a good learning experience for me. I want to set a Godly example for my kids and I know the next time this happens to me how I will react. Who knows what people are going through. Maybe she had a child who died, perhaps she was never able to have children. Whatever the case maybe, the next time I have a situation like that my response will be, "I'm going to pray for you."


1 comment:

  1. Rachel!!!!!! Oh the 29706 would have come out of me!!!!!! Mmmmmmm
