Wednesday, July 27, 2016

A Coach's Wife

Sorry this is a late post but we have a sick baby boy on our hands :(

For those of you who don't know I am a high school coach's wife. My husband is a social studies teacher and high school football/track coach. I signed up for it 6 years ago when I married him. Being a coach's life takes a special person. Lucky for me I grew up a daughter of a coach so I had somewhat of an idea of the career/lifestyle. It also taught me the game of football so I am able to follow the game now :)

The teaching profession has always been one I have the utmost respect for. What a responsibility they have to teach and shape our children to be successful in their future. Along with them are also coach's. Coach's deal with struggles on every level especially for high school. There is such a responsibility they's easy to forget.

The time commitment alone is daunting and tedious. Up at 5:30 AM, out the door by 7, teach all day, practice until 6, meetings, post game break down, planning, etc. Don't forget game nights and traveling. Weeknights he is usually home by 7-7:30 then has to get up and do it all over again....exhausting. There are several nights where he won't get a chance to see his boys because he's home after they are asleep and out the door before they wake up. You can't help but sometimes feel like a single parent.

No one really comprehends the time...A coach's wife does.

So...on top of all that add in a full time working mom, 2 kids, school, karate, camps, groceries, laundry, dinner, cleaning, etc. All of that equals one crazy and hectic fall. With a lot of help we always seem to make it out. It isn't without some tears and arguments though. (although those have decreased over the years)

When we first got married the time commitment didn't seem to bother me. It gave me more time to do things with my family and friends. However, when kids came into the picture it was a different story. For a while I kept asking myself "Why is he picking them over us?". It took a while but God finally showed me that he wasn't picking them but was providing for US. It was a welcome realization and after seeing all that he does for those student athletes made me even prouder to be not only a coach's wife but HIS wife.

 We've had a great husband has been able to be home and spend some quality time with his boy, cook dinner, do some house projects, and a few fun trips! This mama has been spoiled and with football camp starting this week and the season right around the corner I am trying to mentally prepare myself for yet another long season ahead.

Despite all the struggles we face I hold tight knowing the Lord definitely had this plan for my husband. It is humbling and inspiring to watch how He works through him in these young kids lives. The life long relationships he's established and has even been able to follow some of his students through their college careers. It really is rewarding to see and I couldn't be more proud. Go Hawks!

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