Wednesday, July 13, 2016


I have a 3 year old boy. Say no more. Boys are like the sweetest little human beings, until they aren't and they are acting like velociraptors and running through the house naked. Ok, lets face it he is naked 98% of the time. 

Since the summer started, we've been potty training. Which means lots of treats, excited chanting, good jobs and pulling your pants down in the middle of the drive way (or in my case today the middle of the gym parking lot) and letting it rip. So yeah, we've got the peeing thing down. We are good! But then there is this other thing called poo poo, the #2, poops or whatever you want to call it. That is a whole OTHER story. We've had pooping issues since day 1. My son was in daycare for over a year and NEVER went poop there. It was the strangest thing. I thought he was super constipated so I started giving the poor kid laxatives, doing diet name it. We would have poop stand offs every other day. He would jump around the house, yelling and crying and then finally go poop in a pull-up. It was awful y'all. When he finally did go, he had to strip naked, go stand in a corner and asked for his privacy. 

When I started staying home with him back in April, he started getting super regular and going at home. HOORAY! This obviously made me feel awful because the poor little guy just wanted some friggin privacy. I get it man, who wants 10 other 2 year olds staring at you while you poop. So anyway, I knew the time would come that I would have to transition him away from the pull-up and get him going in the potty. 

So Monday, I just decided enough is enough. He turned 3 at the end of June and he will be starting school in September and the child should know how to poo in a toilet. What would his teacher think if he walks up to her and says "can you take off my clothes and put on a pull-up?" N.O. When it was time for him to go, I put on the pull-up but said this is the last time we are wearing a pull-up. If you put this on, you will have to clean your own poop. He was cool with it, ugh boys! Let me tell you, its quite the experience letting your 3 year old clean his own poop. Poop on the floor, poop on your fingers, poop on your face because your fingers of course go straight to your face....poop EVERYWHERE. Maybe this wasn't such a great idea. My husband was royally grossed out and thought I had completely lost my mind. Which is always a little questionable. I enforced that it was super yucky and dirty to poo in a pull-up.

This brings us to Tuesday. Here we are trying to get out the door and what does he have to do...POOP. Great, Awesome, there goes being on time. I literally had to hide all the pull-ups in the house and had to refuse a pull-up for 30 MINUTES. We had a 30 minute poop standoff. The child would rather poop in the grass outside than in an actual toilet. Yes, it happened once. Don't judge!! 

The child finally got on the damn thing and went poop. Thank goodness. I rewarded him with a trip to the cupcake store. Positive reinforcement right?! work is done for the week. Going to have a poop party. 

xoxo, Rachel 

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