Friday, July 8, 2016

Hair Color Virgin

I have a confession.....I am (or WAS) a hair color virgin! YIKES! Ok so I am 30 years old and blessed with no gray hairs yet.... and have told myself I would dye my hair when that became an issue. I honestly thought it would by 30 but hey I'll consider myself blessed. One thing I was NOT blessed with was thick hair, but cant win them all. 

I am cautious by nature and also very thrifty so the idea of dropping $150 plus on a haircut and or color sounded nuts to me especially on a frequent basis. I threw around the idea of highlights a few months back but my girl that does hair has been out on medical leave. After our girls trip Rachel and Haley showed me what they had done to their hair recently. I'd never heard of Balayage. It looked like subtle ombre highlights, just what I wanted to try to get my feet wet in the world of hair color. 
I made an appointment with Rachel's girl at Nick's Salon and the rest is history. Not only was I greeted with a glass of rose and pretty faces with fun hair too. I told her an idea of what I wanted but decided to let her have some artistic freedom. 
Here's my before...pretty awful and not styled after exercising with my patients all day. 

So what is Balayage? Its a french technique to add subtle highlights to the hair that's painted on with a paddle and brush. Instead of soaking the whole strand in dye its just the top layer painted that is then cured with a clay mixture and a glaze added on top of that. As she explained to me the process I felt somewhat like pottery LOL but I decided to just trust her through the process. Here I am as my dye is setting in for a few min sipping my wine! 

I had no idea what this paint turning white on my hair was actually doing to the hair underneath?!?! I will say the wine helped me care a little less though. She said this method doesn't use foil like regular highlights instead does the curing under the clay mixture. I also have very fine straight hair and am not good at doing waves but after Jamie Lynn achieved the beachy wave look I am determined to replicate it. Here is the no longer hair color virigin! The other great thing about Bayalage is its low maintenance. You can get it done once a year if you'd like even and it will look good even growing out. That's my kinda style! Now it was time for the big reveal after the wash/cut/style. 

What do yall think?! :)
If you're looking for a change and very little upkeep I totally recommend Bayalage!


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