Monday, July 25, 2016

Snack Pack Ministries

Happy Monday friends! It has been a Monday and that's why I am late on this post. My apologies. We are having a rain storm now and THANK YOU LORD! We haven't had rain all month & y'all it's hot. We need the cool down badly & our grass needs the rain. This brings me to the subject of my post.

If you are friends with me on FB then you probably saw my post last week about "Snack Pack Ministries." This is an idea I dreamed up, shared with my husband which he was quick to get behind, and totally a God thing in my eyes since it kept coming back to me over and over. Since moving to Austin last October, it was very clear to us that Austin has a homeless problem & by problem, I mean they need help helping these people. Every corner, every off/on ramp on the interstate, you are bound to see someone. Back in March, they came out with a new count of over 2000 in the homeless population here in Austin.

Over the holidays, I volunteered once with a group called Mobile Loaves and Fishes here in Austin. They allow the homeless to come in, get a hot meal, get a haircut, and "shop" for needed items. At the time, it was very cold and they were looking for warm items. They were so excited about getting to "shop." I'll never forget how I helped one lady who was specifically looking for clothes for church....y'all! She was homeless. She wanted a dress and heels for church. It totally blew my mind. I remember once I was done helping her she asked if she could give me a hug and thanked me over and over again. I have NEVER been so humbled. That was probably what got this whole idea started in my head.

I decided that it would be best if it was something I could quickly get out to them. Something I could throw in my car and if I saw someone, could roll my window down and pass on to them quickly at a stop light/interchange. It would be a gallon size ziploc filled with water & snacks & a piece of uplifting Scripture included. This first round of Scripture was Isaiah 40:10.

Well last week, I made up my mind that I was going to make it happen. The Lord reminded me of my Snack Pack Ministry every time I left the house. There they would stand, and it bothered me to no end. It has been weeks with temperatures close to or reaching 100 degrees. Do you know what it's like to stand out in the sun all day...literally? I take the trash out, and I have sweat running down my back. I can't get water down fast enough.

So we set out on Saturday with our friend, Marcus, here at the apartment loaded up with snacks, water, Popsicles, and Marcus had put together bags with clean socks, chap stick, a tooth brush & toothpaste. It was so exciting. We literally stopped traffic at one point, and Marcus jumped out of the
truck and ran to a couple guys who were huddled up under an overpass. They were so thankful. The more we handed out the cooler it was to see it all happening. They were thankful.

We came across one older gentleman who had a dog....end of story for me. I spotted him legit from a mile away. We pulled over, called for him to come over since we weren't sure if his dog was not friendly/over-protective, he got his snacks, care package, cold water for him & his pup, dog food, and a dog toy. He glanced at all of it and expressed how thankful he was. I wanted to jump out of the truck and hug his neck but I refrained. He thanked us again and said "God bless y'all!" My heart almost leapt out of my chest. THAT is what it is all about.

It was an awesome day, and I loved every part of it. Brian and Marcus were awesome too. They handed them out since they were both in front while I reloaded them for the next person. Everyone was thankful. We have a few bags left that we will hand out whenever Brian heads to work or I have to run out. We will need to restock soon. I have created an Amazon wish list if any of you would want to help out. We would so appreciate it and of course keep you in the know about our adventures.

Just a little bit of what's going on in our neck of the woods. It's not huge by any means but it's something. I challenge any of you who read this to take the time and see what's going on in your community. There is something for each of us to help with. It could be a Saturday once a month or if you are really gung-ho, even more than that. There's your challenge for the week. I hope y'all have an awesome one.


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