Monday, September 19, 2016

Netflix & Chill

Happy Monday!

I thought today I'd talk about the shows we are currently watching. We are BIG fans of Netflix. Who isn't these days?

Literally every night when we crawl into bed, we watch at least 1-2 episodes of whatever show we are currently going through. Right now, we have Frasier & The Office. These are shows we have started from the BEGINNING. The Office: we are in the final season and only have a handful of episodes left. We are delaying the end so to speak. Frasier we are in season 8 of 11. This show was always on in my house growing up. Brian was a bit skeptical at first, but he is SO hooked now. I mean the interaction between Daphne & Niles is enough to make you crazy.

So with that being said, we need some new shows in our queue. B likes Narcos and is almost through with Season 2. I just don't like reading subtitles the whole time & the incessant violence isn't my cup of tea. I personally have started on House of Cards but I rarely get a moment to myself to watch. B is on the fence about it. However, I love the corruption.

Stranger Things....I freaked out within the first few minutes of it & made B turn it off. Maybe that's because it was dark out, and I just don't do well with scary shows & night time? Is it really good? I have heard everyone LOVES it. Let me know your thoughts. 

I've already gone through Parenthood & Friday Night Lights (#TimRiggins). My obsession with those 2 was out of control!!

So what shows am I missing?? What are y'all watching? Hopefully this gives you a taste of what we like and you can suggest some good stuff. It doesn't have to be brand new. It can be old series' that we start from the beginning.


1 comment:

  1. Haley,
    Try Bloodline. I have not started season 2 yet, but I loved season 1.
