Monday, March 13, 2017

Real Talk - Pet Peeves

Anybody else dying because of DST? I don't know why but it has hit me hard this weekend. B & I grocery shopped early Sunday morning after breakfast tacos (duh!) and then ended up back at home the rest of the day. It was great. It was nasty rainy on Saturday and then cold Sunday so I was happy to veg out on the couch.

Today I figured I would hash out pet peeves. A girlfriend and I were talking about them the other day. Everybody has them, and I like hearing people's different peeves. By all means, please take these lightly.

1. Parking. If you drive a big car/truck and you can't park it straight in between two lines, then either A. you don't need to be driving that large of a vehicle or B. Take it to the back of the lot. Or if you just park that way because "you can," there's a 99% chance that I cussed you and called you an a**hole. Don't be that person that's a jerk & parks all crazy.

2. RSVP-ing. I don't get it, y'all. How hard is it to RSVP to an event in a TIMELY manner? Wedding RSVPs are usually pre-addressed and pre-stamped. How hard is it to check yes or no and put it back in your mailbox? Or sending a text saying yes I'll be at the party? If you have time to post to every platform of social media, you have PLENTY of time to RSVP. No excuses. It's inconsiderate. End of story.

3. Grocery carts. When you are done with your cart, do you put it back where it belongs? Either in the store or in the buggy corral? Please do not leave it in an empty parking spot or up in the grass. Be courteous.

4. Conversations. Please don't ask me how I'm doing or how my family is doing and then not listen/pay attention. If you don't care, please don't ask.

5. Noises. Just ask my husband. This is one we laugh about all the time. I am always asking "WHAT IS THAT NOISE?!" If it's a noise that is not needed, I don't want to hear it. MAKE. IT. STOP. I am actually laughing at myself right now just thinking about it.

Make Monday a great one!

Slightly peeved, Irritated & Tired,


  1. All. of. These. Haha especially the noises!

  2. These are amazing! I hate loud noises too or any forthay matter that annoys me! And rsvps of course ;) one big one for me is texting me ???? When I don't respond right away as if I need to drop what I'm doing at all times and respond asap 😉
