Monday, March 27, 2017

Real Life: Mean Girls

Happy Monday ladies (& gentlemen)! Let me just start by saying, GO GAMECOCKS! Exciting weekend for our university (yes, all of us girl bloggers here at The Dainty Details went to South Carolina!)

By the title of this post you might be thinking about the movie...but this post is far from that. Recently I have heard of horrible things that women are doing to other women. GROWN WOMEN. ADULT WOMEN. At almost 30 years old, it is so very hard to wrap my brain around some of the down right nasty & mean things people say. And you know what I see almost 99% of the time, the people saying these mean things are hiding; hiding behind a computer screen (keyboard warriors as I like to call them), leaving nasty notes, whatever it may be. I call those people cowards.

Why are women mean to each other? We live in a society where clicks, likes, loves, and comments give us our gratification. We want what others have. And the big one...COMPARISON. God created us all differently -- looks, personality, & shape just to name a few. If we were all the same, how BORING would this world be?! I think our differences help us to attract our tribe. I know our group is so very diverse, but it helps us all melt together. That doesn't mean that sometimes it doesn't cause arguments but we all balance each other out. I'm the first to admit that sometimes I need a lot of balance & my girlfriends to keep me grounded.

I won't keep harping on it but I'll end with this. Be kind. Smile or wave at someone. Say a kind word. The way you treat others speaks VOLUMES. You have no idea what some people are going through. They might seem like they have everything together on the surface but below it might be just pure chaos. So just. be. nice! It'll take you a lot farther, and people will remember that. They always remember how you made them feel. Always. 


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