Sunday, March 19, 2017

Marriage is Hard

This Is Us had its finale this week. It was GOOD! I love that show because it is real and touches on real life situations. I usually don't like dramas because I don't like a lot of feelings. This show has me hooked and I need to know more.

I used to never say marriage was hard. My version of difficult is probably far different than most because I am a perfectionist. I like everything to be great and I also like to have a lot of fun every day. My need for excitement can be draining for myself and I'm sure Patrick. For example this week, I was told I have a sinus infection and to get lots of rest and fluids. I did great on the fluids....but, I also cleaned my house and did laundry and decorated for Easter while also doing my usual of carpooling kids and homework and all those small tasks. I can't rest. I even attended book club that night. I.JUST.CAN'T.STOP.EVERRRR

It takes a strong man to love me HAHA! This man of mine. He has loved me endlessly for 15 years. He doesn't even see other women. He has been made fun of about it numerous times. I love that about him. The best qualities of a man are when he can only have eyes for one woman and do whatever it takes to get her and keep her. Patrick is my Jack. He is a lot like Jack. He wants to provide and protect. I can be more like Rebecca...more carefree and definitely driven to be more than a wife and mother even though that is our greatest passion. Like some women, I looked over at my husband in bed after that scene in This Is Us and had the question, 'what do you love about me?' As if this man doesn't whisper sweet nothings to me all day..I have the memory of a goldfish and in that moment had no idea. He never says anything cliché or about appearances, he said "I love that you always do what you say you will do and you go after things but it is also the thing I don't like about you because you have to do everything right then and you don't wait on anything." It is a real life answer. The one thing that makes Patrick and I strong is that we are so different so we compliment each other and it can also be our greatest challenge. He balances me. I couldn't be with someone who was just like me. I need someone to make me more grounded and to be a "Dad." I call him every version of Dad, PDad, Pdaddy and I mean it. He is my protector and provider. I think even being a Leo (strong and confident) feeling loved and words of affirmation are very important to me.

Our marriage can be challenging because I, like most women, require a lot of attention and that is difficult when we are trying to raise 3 little people who need A LOT of attention. But honestly if all that frustrates me is that I want more time with him then I think we are doing okay lol! But the kids need us. They need ALL of us. We have a house, dog, cars, job, and social aspects we have to also attend to as well. I would go crazy without a few friends and a few things outside of the house. Just this Wednesday, I will have a Club Ambassador Luncheon and a hair appointment in the same day so my husband has to take a half day from work so I can attend. My mom is a saint but she also works. I HAVE and DESERVE moments outside of family and my husband; hence Rebecca in This Is Us. I need that outlet and I need support for that as well. That part of being a wife and mother is probably the hardest.

Patrick gets me and he will love me when I'm in no make-up, his oversized sweatshirt, and in a terrible mood. That my friends is marriage. Life can be hard at times but we always have each other to cuddle up next to before our exhausted 29 year old, mommy and daddy, adulting-bodies crash.

I'm not going to rush it though. I will miss this time of having a 6 year old, 4 year old, and 2 year old. I will miss this CRAZY, wild busy time. But, one thing is for sure, Patrick will be there. He will be there for me like he always has and still here 15 years later. Marriage is work but you have a best friend and partner in crime who you also think is pretty cute and get to laugh with, make fun of your kids with, and go through this whole journey with you and that is pretty incredible.

It is all just getting started :) But our love story is my favorite!
