Tuesday, November 15, 2016

Life update, the holidays and Disney!

I'm BAACCCKKKKK!!!!! Hi everyone! I know what everyone is asking themselves..."Where has she been?" "Is she alive?" haha I am sorry for my absence but I am BACK to give life updates, my love for Disney and of course my absolute FAVORITE time of year...Christmas!

So let's start with how crazy and hectic October was....actually it's a bit of a blur so I can't tell you much except it included football, work, birthday parties, family, traveling, sick boys, more work, halloween chaos and some more football in there somewhere. The playoffs begin this week so I'm starting to see the light at the end of the tunnel! I have A LOT of time off of work coming up for the holiday's so I'm looking forward to having some much needed down time. I also tried to give Facebook up for a week after all the election madness...I made it about 2 days :)

We are hosting Thanksgiving at my house this year. (My mom is having knee surgery so will be out of commission) I'm trying to not stress about it too much...won't be a huge crowd or anything and let's face it...I LOVE hosting get-togethers at my house. Now, I love Christmas as much as the next person but I fail to understand the need/want of people to skip over Thanksgiving? Why...just why? I LOVE it...the food, the weather, family, the parade...and our family tradition--Turkey Chowder :) YUM. But...on Black Friday you better believe Fall is out and Christmas is IN!

We didn't get a chance to do a lot of the fun Fall things around town so we're going to try to do it all for Christmas. For us that means...the Christmas lights at the county park, live nativity, Christmas parades, etc. What is it about Christmas in the Lowcountry? You just can't beat it...whether it's the cool weather, oyster roasts or bonfires it will always remain one of my favorite times of year. This year, one of the things I am most excited about spending Christmas with my 2 adorable nieces on their first Christmas! EEkkk...cuteness overload!

Like any other warm blooded American I too LOVE Disney movies...the classics and get all giddy and excited when they come on TV. My kids especially love all the Disney songs and we play them constantly and for those of you who know me well probably know the favorite in our household....yes..."The Lion King". I am SUPER excited about the new "Beauty and the Beast" coming out in March...have you seen the trailer? It looks so good :)

Hope everyone has an awesome Thanksgiving and has fun decorating for Christmas!

1 comment:

  1. Welcome back! Sounds like things have been busy but fun! I'm with you, no Christmas decorations at our house yet. I love Thanksgiving and feel like it needs the spotlight on THursday lol! But yes, Friday I will be decking the halls!
