Tuesday, May 23, 2017

Summer Kick-Off

It didn't hit me until Monday that it is officially summer time. My two littlest ones are out and my oldest will have completed kindergarten next week.

Cecilia was happy to throw up her deuces to pre-school and excited to hang with me for a few months before she starts kindergarten.

We enjoyed our neighborhood pool this weekend but also got a taste of reality. We have had a family emergency and a life or death situation in our close family. Thankfully things are improving and I won't go into detail on it but it certainly puts things into perspective. You only get one life so we have to express our love to those around us and be thankful for each other and for this life.

We are supposed to be going to our family beach house next weekend for our beach week but that may be cancelled. We have two other beach trips planned, though. Patrick and I will be at the beach alone from a Wednesday to a Sunday and I really can't believe it. I can't believe I will be able to have an actual vacay with no little people to watch. AWESOME!

We also always go on vacation with my parents and have SO much fun. My parents are a lot of fun and they are very hands on with our kiddos so that will be something to look forward to in July.

Patrick and I both turn 30 soon and we are thinking that our gift will be a trip to Texas to visit our close friends. We have not booked our flights because we are still trying to sell our home. We just need to do one thing at a time. Our life is so busy so we do try to take things slow. We have had great feedback and lots of showings. I think God's timing is just not our timing and we are just being patient that he has a greater plan for us and the family that will get this awesome house.

The children have a few summer camps and vacation bible school. Patrick and I will aim to teach a class during VBS together.

We will have many carowinds, park, pool, and cookouts to enjoy over the next two to three months.

So thankful for this time with my littles.

Have a great week! I usually leave a fun song so I will add that below ;)


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